M I Synergy (Pvt) Limited is a provider of innovative and cost effective integrated workflow and software solutions on mobile, internet, and standalone platforms to the global players who want to have a competitive edge in product and service delivery whilst optimizing management of internal resources. The award winning solutions have been deployed for mission critical 24*7 operations in the private and public sectors with over five million end user interactions per month.
The integration of the web and mobile platforms within a single framework enables rapid deployment of solutions for customers with the modular architecture allowing the plug in of new modules with minimal complications as the business expands. With several different pricing models it is guaranteed that the solutions would always be cost effective and provide the best Return-on-Investment (ROI) in terms of cost and time spent.

Diverse Clientele
"One Customer, well taken care of, could be more Valuable than $100,000 worth of advertising."

Featured Products

Go Green - Customer e-Doc Portal
Go-Green e-Doc Portal is for the environment conscious corporate citizen, seeking enhanced operational productivity through digitally enabled, green business operations. The Go-Green solution brings the environmental sustainability initiatives into a meaningful implementation, by enhancing customer servicing and business delivery through initiatives that increase the digital customers. With multiple implementations across diverse internal operations of enterprises, the solution has now evolved to cater to both B2C and B2B document flows.

Identity Management System SSO
A Single Sign On (SSO) based secure User and API Access Identity Management Solution with multi-factor authntication and directory integration for managing of the entire user life cycle across both web and mobile platforms. The MISYN solution provides a cost effective, quick to implement option, for the enterprise to secure applications, be it on a commercial cloud or an on-premise platform or even a hybrid implementation.

Leads Management System (LMS)
Obtain greater visibility over the customer capture journey through the MISYN LMS by- effectively tracking leads conversion into profitable business. The monitoring and control dashboards with real-time updates on sales activities provide higher visibility of sales initiatives and the accurate evaluation of performance of the sales teams. The easy to use templates and user friendly operations of the LMS platform along with the plugin Mobile App features creates true value for money by allowing the enterprise to be quick to market with a solution that enhances the productivity of the sales force.

SMS and Social Media Master Communicator
Become a truly interactive enterprise for the customer with our Master Communicator solution. MISYN provides an enterprise wide single interface through which all internal users interact with the customer. We support both standard template messages and custom messages, as Short Messaging Services - SMS or integrated social media platform messages, facilitating two way communication with the customers. All interactions are securely recorded in a transparent manner with clear history and audit trails for compliance purposes.

Secure OTP Multi-Factor Authentication Solution
Enhance the security of all log ins to websites and online accounts by implementing multi-factor authentication across existing enterprise applications with MISYN Secure OTP MFA solution. With easy to implement API driven architecture the solution can be integrated with existing legacy systems as well as used as a standalone verifier for transaction driven interactions. Implement a truly secure, scalable, and hassle-free authentication experience, with trusted safeguarding of sensitive information with MISYN Secure OTP MFA solution.

Remote Assessment System (ONMISITE)
Reduce the hassle and cost of operational visits to remote locations whilst optimizing the time spent on various types of inspections such as site visits, credit visits, repair inspection visits, insurance visits etc. "On-MIsite" allows the business to digitally visit any customer or business location by contacting a single person on site, who only needs to have a mobile phone with a camera feature. Business user initiated GPS tagged images and videos integrated with Google Maps for verification of location authenticity ensures no photos or videos are stored on the end-user mobile.A previous remote visit call can be continued by even a different business user at a later time with all audit trails and history of digital visits tracked through the "On-MIsite" application

Utility Aggregator System (CWS)
Manage the enterprise business collection agents and transaction updates from multiple collection points maintained by collection agents using the CWS solution. Integrate the core systems of the enterprise through a single transaction interface pipeline provided by CWS and reduce the hassle of maintaining multiple interfaces for customer or collection agent endpoint systems. The availability of dynamic configuration driven multiple parameters allows the enterprise to seamlessly provide front end transaction interface APIs to any number of third party legacy systems or B2B enterprises with minimum time to implement. The tweaking of configuration can also provide the enterprise the option to also become a collection agent for other enterprises thereby increasing the dynamism of the business.
The internet and intranet based e-commerce business has now become part and parcel of an organisation's product and services delivery and at M I Synergy (Private) Limited we believe in providing e-business solutions that are efficient and highly cost effective.
The comprehensive range of solutions offer businesses the opportunity of anytime, anywhere business monitoring and management, with optimized product and service delivery.
The web technology based solutions primarily offers products to truly maximize profits by managing its business relationships for optimum customer satisfaction, while enhancing the efficiency of internal processes.
The company also provides expertise in web portal designing, implementation and maintenance to ensure maximizing your ROI.
All products come in a secure modular architecture.
Irrespective of what device is used; mobile phone, the PDA or palmtop device, mobile commerce or m-commerce is the next step in maximizing the profitability of the organisation in the competitive market environment.
M I Synergy Private Limited offers a complete range of solutions based on mobile communication platforms which enables the business organisation to maximize efficiency and effectiveness by converting the mobile phones, PDAs and palmtops into office space for the management of business as well as offering a new product and service delivery point to the organization.
All products come in a secure modular architecture.
M I Synergy Private Limited offers a wide range of IT consultancy services that cover the entire project management scope of systems and solutions implementation. From evaluation to implementation we will walk with you to ensure success based on effective and efficient monitoring and control of processes.
With several mission critical projects in the Banking and Financial Services sectors already undertaken by us, we have a proven track record of value addition to the business. We offer ICT consulting, technology skills, and application expertise to help you extend, enhance, and leverage new and existing IT investments by providing cost advantages as well as a strategic value.
We provide technical consultancy services to help you make ICT decisions based on informed, precise technical analysis aimed at improving your profitability and increasing the ROI on your information systems. With more than 100 years of combined experience in the financial, production, and software industry we can assess the technical feasibility of your plans and provide an extra, independent analysis so that your investment is secure.
Our experienced and qualified technical support teams are at your service for the implementation and maintenance of open source solutions that provide the best ROI.
Why open source Software ?
End-to-end control over your information system.
Reduced information system costs.
Technical independence from software publishers.
Repositioning of integration and interoperability as key concepts of your information system development strategy.
Licenses – Resolve legal issues.
Reliability and Performance – Really meets your need even on low cost hardware.
Long Term Sustainability – Guarantee that the software will be available and maintained for a long term.
Costs – Development and maintenance costs to be shared.
The web and application servers we deploy are not second to any commercial products. They are robust, commercial-grade, feature rich and freely-available servers. Open source web servers are in the first place for hosted web sites in the world fulfills requirement on par with system audit and security recommendations.
Open source database servers are available with features similar to enterprise level servers. They are world's most popular because of consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease of use, capable of handling high volumes, business critical systems and running on many platforms.