Go Green - Customer e-Doc Portal
Go-Green e-Doc Portal is for the environment conscious corporate citizen, seeking enhanced operational productivity through digitally enabled, green business operations.
The Go-Green solution brings the environmental sustainability initiatives into a meaningful implementation, by enhancing customer servicing and business delivery through initiatives that increase the digital customers.
With multiple implementations across diverse internal operations of enterprises, the solution has now evolved to cater to both B2C and B2B document flows.
Unique Features
e-mail, SMS and standard browser technology based communication with customer
Built in OTP and PII information based multi factor authentication of customer
Elimination of manual printing and dispatch of physical documents to customers
No requirement to install any App or software on customer side
Higher flexibility for the customer to view, download and print as and when required
Digital Document Repository with multi-language support
Improved productivity due to high digital mobility in business
Comprehensive audit trails for data/document sync, document generation, communication and customer activity
Let's Go Green. Don't let the leaves leave us.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Highly Scalable Operations
Highly Digital Mobility
Secured & Easy Access
Higher Process Visibility
Clear Accurate Pricing